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CTRI Number  CTRI/2023/05/053314 [Registered on: 31/05/2023] Trial Registered Prospectively
Last Modified On: 11/12/2024
Post Graduate Thesis  No 
Type of Trial  Interventional 
Type of Study   Drug 
Study Design  Randomized, Parallel Group, Active Controlled Trial 
Public Title of Study   Intensified short course regimen for adults with TB meningitis  
Scientific Title of Study   Comparative evaluation of intensified short course regimen and standard regimen for adults TB meningitis : an open label randomized controlled trial (INSHORT trial) 
Trial Acronym  INSHORT TRIAL  
Secondary IDs if Any  
Secondary ID  Identifier 
Details of Principal Investigator or overall Trial Coordinator (multi-center study)  
Name  Dr Leeberk RajaI  
Designation  Scientist- E (Medical) 
Affiliation  ICMR-National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis 
Address  ICMR-National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis No.1 Mayor Sathyamoorthy Road Chethpet

Phone  044-28369527  
Email  leeberk.raja@icmr.gov.in  
Details of Contact Person
Scientific Query
Name  Dr Leeberk RajaI  
Designation  Scientist- E (Medical) 
Affiliation  ICMR-National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis 
Address  ICMR-National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis No.1 Mayor Sathyamoorthy Road Chethpet

Phone  044-28369527  
Email  leeberk.raja@icmr.gov.in  
Details of Contact Person
Public Query
Name  Dr Leeberk RajaI  
Designation  Scientist- E (Medical) 
Affiliation  ICMR-National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis 
Address  ICMR-National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis No.1 Mayor Sathyamoorthy Road Chethpet

Phone  044-28369527  
Email  leeberk.raja@icmr.gov.in  
Source of Monetary or Material Support  
ICMR- National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis 
Primary Sponsor  
Name  Dr Leeberk RajaI 
Address  No.1, Mayor Sathyamoorthy Road, Chethpet Chennai -31  
Type of Sponsor  Research institution 
Details of Secondary Sponsor  
Name  Address 
Countries of Recruitment     India  
Sites of Study  
No of Sites = 6  
Name of Principal Investigator  Name of Site  Site Address  Phone/Fax/Email 
Dr Deepak   AIIMS,Jodhpur   Marudhar Industrial Area, 2nd Phase MIA 1st Phase, Basni, Jodhpur

Dr Karthik G  Christian Medical College  Ida scudder Road, Vellore

Dr Kadhiravan   JIPMER  JIPMER Campus Rd, Gorimedu, Dhanvantari Nagar,

Dr Nancy Glory Prof Balasubramanian  Madras Medical College  Near central Railway Station, Poonamallee High Rd, Park Town, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600003

Dr Baiakmenlang synmon  North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences  Mawdiangdiang, Shillong
East Khasi Hills

Dr Gerardo Uria Alvarez   Rural Development Trust Hospital   Bathalapalli Anantapur

Details of Ethics Committee
No of Ethics Committees= 7  
Name of Committee  Approval Status 
AIIMS, Jodhpur, Institutional Ethics Committee   Approved 
CMC,Vellore- Institutional Ethics Committee  Approved 
JIPMER, Institutional Ethics Committee   Approved 
KGMU- Institutional Ethics Committee  Approved 
MMC, Institutional Ethics Committee   Approved 
NEIGRIHMS, Institutional Ethics Committee  Approved 
NIRT-Institutional Ethics Committee   Approved 
Regulatory Clearance Status from DCGI  
Not Applicable 
Health Condition / Problems Studied  
Health Type  Condition 
Patients  (1) ICD-10 Condition: G01||Meningitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere,  
Intervention / Comparator Agent
Type  Name  Details 
Intervention  Arm - 1 (Intensified ATT with aspirin)  Patients in this arm will receive a High dose of Rifampicin (Single dose - Once daily 25 mg/kg) and a weight based dose of Moxifloxacin (400mg once daily) along with Isoniazid and Pyrazinamide. They will also receive dexamethasone or equivalent dose of prednisolone as a tapering dose beginning with parenteral administration and switching over to orally later. Patients with MRC grade-1, grade-2 and 3 will receive steroids for 6 weeks and 8 weeks respectively. This regimen will also be intensified with 150mg of Aspirin once daily. This regimen will be continued for 2 months after which the patients will receive standard doses of Isoniazid, Rifampicin and Pyrazinamide for the next 4 months 
Comparator Agent  Arm -3 (Control arm)  The control arm will receive treatment according to the standard national guidelines for EPTB. They will receive a first-line regimen consisting of 2 months of isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol (HRZE) in fixed-dose combination (FDC) pills followed by 7-10 months of Rifampicin, isoniazid, and ethambutol (HRE) daily in a fixed-dose combination as per various weight bands in NTEP. They will also receive tapering dose of steroids at the discretion of treating clinician 
Intervention  Arm- 2 (Intensified ATT without aspirin)  Participants in this arm will receive intensified ATT regimen similar to arm 1, but without aspirin. Aspirin (150mg) will be given once daily for 2 months along with intensified ATT. They will also receive dexamethasone or equivalent dose of prednisolone as a tapering dose beginning with parenteral administration and switching over to orally later. Patients with MRC grade-1, grade-2 and 3 will receive steroids for 6 weeks and 8 weeks respectively. This regimen will be continued for 2 months after which the patients will receive standard doses of Isoniazid, Rifampicin and Pyrazinamide for the next 4 months 
Inclusion Criteria  
Age From  18.00 Year(s)
Age To  99.00 Year(s)
Gender  Both 
Details  A patient will be eligible for entry to the trial if ALL of the following conditions are satisfied
1.Adults (> 18 years) with or without HIV infection
2.Possible, probable or definite TBM according to Lancet consensus diagnostic criteria
3.Willing to give written informed consent
4.Is willing to have an HIV test.
5.Residing within 100 km of the study sites
6. Express willingness to attend the treatment centre for supervised treatment
7. Express willingness to adhere to the trial procedures and follow-up schedule.
8.Agrees to use effective barrier contraception during the period of the treatment in case of female participants
Details  Patients will not be eligible for the trial if they meet ANY of the following criteria
1. Known current or previous drug resistance to ATT (Rifampicin, INH, FQ)
2. Concurrent or known diagnosis any other meningitis such as bacterial, viral, and fungal.
3. Currently having an uncontrolled cardiac arrhythmia or ECG abnormalities which are
contradiction for the administration of moxifloxacin including prolonged QTc. QTc value define as more than 450 ms in males and more than 460 ms in females measured in the lead II or V5 on a standard 12-lead ECG.
4.Has clinical icterus or hepatic impairment characterized by serum bilirubin level above the normal laboratory reference range with abnormal liver enzymes or isolated alanine
aminotransferase (ALT) and/or aspartate aminotransferase (AST) levels above 5 times the upper limit of the normal laboratory reference range
5. Previous history of anti-TB treatment, If any, should not exceed one month in the past and not more than 7 days in the preceding one month.
6. pregnant or lactating women
7. rapid clinical deterioration or very sick and moribund during the screening process, renal failure, liver disease or any condition (social or medical) that in the opinion of the investigator would make trial participation unreliable or unsafe.
8. Has a known allergy to any of the drugs proposed to be used in the trial regimen

Method of Generating Random Sequence   Permuted block randomization, fixed 
Method of Concealment   An Open list of random numbers 
Blinding/Masking   Open Label 
Primary Outcome  
Outcome  TimePoints 
Mortality and disability   The primary outcome will be mortality and disability as measured by modified Rankin scale at 12 months and 24 months. i.e., time from randomization to death during the follow-up period. Survivors will be censored at the date they were last known to be alive (i.e., date of last follow-up visit, loss to follow-up or withdrawal). 
Secondary Outcome  
Outcome  TimePoints 
1. Pharmacokinetic parameters
2.Grade 3 and 4 adverse events
3. Quality of life 
1.Plasma concentrations of HRhZ and Moxifloxacin will be estimated and the effects of baseline patient covariates on trial drug pharmacokinetics and associated clinical endpoints will be evaluated.
2.Comparison of the number of participants who develop Grade 3 or Grade 4 adverse events during treatment.
3.QoL at baseline and at 6 months, 12 months, and 24 months will be assessed using a WHO Short form -36 (SF-36) questionnaire. 
Target Sample Size
Total Sample Size="372"
Sample Size from India="372" 
Final Enrollment numbers achieved (Total)= "Applicable only for Completed/Terminated trials"
Final Enrollment numbers achieved (India)="Applicable only for Completed/Terminated trials" 
Phase of Trial   Phase 3 
Date of First Enrollment (India)   01/09/2023 
Date of Study Completion (India) Applicable only for Completed/Terminated trials 
Date of First Enrollment (Global)  Date Missing 
Date of Study Completion (Global) Applicable only for Completed/Terminated trials 
Estimated Duration of Trial   Years="3"
Recruitment Status of Trial (Global)
Not Applicable 
Recruitment Status of Trial (India)  Open to Recruitment 
Publication Details   Nil  
Individual Participant Data (IPD) Sharing Statement

Will individual participant data (IPD) be shared publicly (including data dictionaries)?  

Response - NO
Brief Summary  

Tuberculous meningitis (TBM) is the most lethal form of extra pulmonary tuberculosis. This devastating disease kills almost a third of its sufferers and disables a significant proportion of the survivors. TBM poses one of the most difficult diagnostic and therapeutic challenges in modern clinical practice. High-quality robust clinical trials have made a considerable contribution to the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in the last four decades. However, evidence from such clinical trials is lacking in TBM and the treatment remains uncertain. There is a significant variation in the choice, dose and duration of drugs between countries, institutions and clinicians. We propose a multi-centric open-label clinical trial to assess the efficacy of short-course anti-TB drugs with high dose rifampicin, and moxifloxacin along with conventional anti-TB drugs and adjuvant therapy with aspirin and corticosteroids. Controls will receive standard treatment as per national guidelines for TBM. We also aim to assess the  safety and tolerability of high-dose Rifampicin and Moxifloxacin and the Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics parameters of ATT (Rifampicin, INH, Moxifloxacin and Pyrazinamide) in CSF between the two groups
