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CTRI Number  CTRI/2023/06/053885 [Registered on: 14/06/2023] Trial Registered Prospectively
Last Modified On: 10/07/2023
Post Graduate Thesis  No 
Type of Trial  Interventional 
Type of Study   Yoga & Naturopathy
Other (Specify) [Lifestyle modification ]  
Study Design  Non-randomized, Active Controlled Trial 
Public Title of Study   Effect of Freedom from diabetes protocol on weight loss and HbA1c improvement in patient with Type 2 diabetes in India 
Scientific Title of Study   Efficacy of lifestyle intervention program on management & remission of type 2 diabetes and its complications – DiRemI study 
Trial Acronym  DiRemI  
Secondary IDs if Any  
Secondary ID  Identifier 
Nil  NIL 
Details of Principal Investigator or overall Trial Coordinator (multi-center study)  
Name  Dr Pramod Tripathi 
Designation  Director 
Affiliation  Freedom From Diabetes Research Foundation 
Address  Research department, Freedom from Diabetes Research Foundation, First floor, Room no.1,Parth, Ghodke Chowk Prabhat Road, Pune

Email  drpramod@freedomfromdiabetes.org  
Details of Contact Person
Scientific Query
Name  Dr Nidhi Kadam 
Designation  Research Manager 
Affiliation  Freedom From Diabetes Research Foundation 
Address  Research department, Freedom from Diabetes Research Foundation, First floor, Room no.7,Parth, Ghodke Chowk Prabhat Road, Pune

Phone  9822792772  
Email  research@freedomfromdiabetes.org  
Details of Contact Person
Public Query
Name  Dr Nidhi Kadam 
Designation  Research Manager 
Affiliation  Freedom From Diabetes Research Foundation 
Address  Research department, Freedom from Diabetes Research Foundation, First floor, Room no.7,Parth, Ghodke Chowk Prabhat Road, Pune

Phone  9822792772  
Email  research@freedomfromdiabetes.org  
Source of Monetary or Material Support  
Freedom from diabetes research foundation (Host Institution) 
Primary Sponsor  
Name  Freedom from diabetes research foundation 
Address  Parth, Ghodke Chowk, Prabhat Road, Pune 
Type of Sponsor  Research institution 
Details of Secondary Sponsor  
Name  Address 
Countries of Recruitment     India  
Sites of Study  
No of Sites = 1  
Name of Principal Investigator  Name of Site  Site Address  Phone/Fax/Email 
Dr Nidhi Kadam  Freedom from Diabetes Clinic  Research department, Freedom from Diabetes Research Foundation, First floor, Room no.7,Parth, Ghodke Chowk Prabhat Road, Pune

Details of Ethics Committee  
No of Ethics Committees= 1  
Name of Committee  Approval Status 
Freedom from Diabetes Research Foundation- Institutional Ethics Committee  Approved 
Regulatory Clearance Status from DCGI  
Not Applicable 
Health Condition / Problems Studied  
Health Type  Condition 
Patients  (1) ICD-10 Condition: E116||Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other specified complications,  
Intervention / Comparator Agent  
Type  Name  Details 
Intervention  Lifestyle modification  The duration of the intervention is 1-year. Intervention will consist of Plant-based diet, Physical activity (strength, stamina flexibility exercises including yoga), stress management (Counselling sessions and meditation), routine medical management 
Comparator Agent  Routine medical Care  The duration of the intervention is 1-year. Control group will receive Routine medical care (RMC) aiming at education, support, and medical management of diabetes and associated co-morbidities, based on current clinical guidelines 
Inclusion Criteria  
Age From  30.00 Year(s)
Age To  70.00 Year(s)
Gender  Both 
Details  1. Written informed consent.
2. Men and women aged 30-70 years.
3. T2D duration <15 years.
4. Confirmed diagnosis of type 2 Diabetes- All patients on treatment with oral hypoglycemic agents and/or Insulin or any Ayurvedic anti-diabetic medications or HbA1c ≥ 48 mmol/mol (6.5%) with or without medication.
5. Body mass index (BMI) >25 kg/m2 and <35 kg/m2.
6. Agree to examinations as per the study protocol, undergo the lifestyle intervention program & post-program evaluation.
7. Well-oriented in time, space & as a person.
Details  1. Type 1 diabetes (due to autoimmune b-cell destruction, usually leading to absolute insulin deficiency, including latent autoimmune diabetes of adulthood).
2. Specific types of diabetes due to other causes, e.g., monogenic diabetes syndromes (such as neonatal diabetes and maturity-onset diabetes of the young), diseases of the exocrine pancreas (such as cystic fibrosis and pancreatitis), and drug- or chemical-induced diabetes (such as with glucocorticoid use, in the treatment of HIV/AIDS, or after organ transplantation).
3. Gestational diabetes mellitus (diabetes diagnosed in the second or third trimester of pregnancy that was not clearly overt diabetes prior to gestation).
4. eGFR<45mL/min/1.73m2 and/or albuminuria ≥300mg).
5. Known history of retinopathy or neuropathy.
6. Previous history of heart attack, cardiac arrhythmia, bypass or stent placement surgery, ischemic heart disease, Angina (Class III & IV), myocardial infarction within the previous 6 months, reported heart failure (reduced LV ejection fraction ≤40%), ECG not within normal limits, reported positive stress test which is moderate to severe.
7. A known diagnosis of cancer.
8. Pregnant or lactating women.
9. Patients who have required hospitalization for any diabetes-related complications in the last 6 months or for depression or are on antipsychotic drugs.
10. Physical ailments (like spine issues, arthritis, etc.) that limit the implementation of the exercise protocol.
Method of Generating Random Sequence   Computer generated randomization 
Method of Concealment   An Open list of random numbers 
Blinding/Masking   Open Label 
Primary Outcome  
Outcome  TimePoints 
At least 10% reduction in weight at one year & HbA1c less than 6.5% or 48 mmol/mol without the use of pharmacotherapy at 1 year.   HbA1c & weight will be measured at baseline, at 6 months & at the end of 12 months 
Secondary Outcome  
Outcome  TimePoints 
a) Mental Health (in terms of reduction in scores below 10 for both anxiety & depression), b) Improvement in Co-morbidities & diabetes-related complications (nephropathy), c) Biochemical parameters e.g., Improvement in-Serum Lipids, Fasting and post prandial plasma glucose, creatinine/eGFR.   For Mental health- At baseline & at 6 months
Co-morbidities & complications- At baseline, 6 months & at 12 months
For biochemical parameters- AT baseline, at 6 months and at end of 12 months 
Target Sample Size   Total Sample Size="360"
Sample Size from India="360" 
Final Enrollment numbers achieved (Total)= "Applicable only for Completed/Terminated trials"
Final Enrollment numbers achieved (India)="Applicable only for Completed/Terminated trials" 
Phase of Trial   N/A 
Date of First Enrollment (India)   01/07/2023 
Date of Study Completion (India) Applicable only for Completed/Terminated trials 
Date of First Enrollment (Global)  Date Missing 
Date of Study Completion (Global) Applicable only for Completed/Terminated trials 
Estimated Duration of Trial   Years="1"
Recruitment Status of Trial (Global)
Not Applicable 
Recruitment Status of Trial (India)  Open to Recruitment 
Publication Details   Not yet 
Individual Participant Data (IPD) Sharing Statement

Will individual participant data (IPD) be shared publicly (including data dictionaries)?  

Response - NO
Brief Summary   The proposed study is a open labelled, non-randomized, parallel-controlled trial that aims to study the effectiveness of DiRemI protocol in improving glycemic control in patients with Type 2 diabetes. The primary hypothesis is that the intervention which comprises of lifestyle modification with a plant-based diet, exercise, psychological support, and medical management, will result in weight-loss induced diabetes remission and improvement in glycemic control of patient with type 2 diabetes. The primary objective is to implement the intervention that will aim for the remission of diabetes by achieving reduction in weight at one year and HbA1c < 6.5% or 48 mmol/mol without the use of pharmacotherapy at 1 year. The secondary objective is to assess the effect of the intervention on other aspects of diabetes outcomes such as- a) Mental Health (in terms of anxiety and depression), b) Co-morbidities and diabetes-related complications (nephropathy), c) Biochemical parameters e.g., Serum Lipids, Fasting and post prandial plasma glucose, creatinine/eGFR. The duration of the intervention will be 18 months (12 months intervention + 6 month follow-up). Data will be collected at 3 time points: at the baseline, at 6-months, and at the end of 1 year of intervention. Adherence data will be collected from patients. 